Astra Militarum Orders - Forum (2024)

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Astra Militarum Orders - Forum (4)Astra Militarum Orders - Forum (7)Astra Militarum Orders - Forum (8)
Fresh-Faced New User

The new Balance Dataslate has made some Changes to Orders.

"If your Army Faction is Astra Militarum, Officer
models with this ability can issue Orders. Each
Officer’s datasheet will specify how many Orders
it can issue and which units are eligible to receive
those Orders. Each time an Officer model issues
an Order, select one of the Orders below, then select
one eligible friendly unit within 6" of that Officer
model to issue it to. Officer models can issue Orders
in your Command phase and at the end of a phase in
which they disembarked from a Transport or were
set up on the battlefield."

But i dont see any Timing Restrictions on how often they can issue Orders ? Ursula Creed can issue two Orders. But is that two Orders per Battle Round ? Two Orders per Turn, in each Players Turn ? Two Orders per Phase, in every Players Phase ? Can she order while inside a Chimera in the Command Phase twice, disembark in the Movement Phase, then order twice again ? What if the Transport is destroyed in the Opponents Turn, and her attached Unit has to disembark ? Can she issue two Orders, because it doesnt say own Phase, just Phase, which means any Phase ? When i Rapid Ingress them, can Ursula issue two Orders at the End of the Opponents Movement Phase ?

Astra Militarum Orders - Forum (9)

Astra Militarum Orders - Forum (10)2024/02/02 07:59:06

Subject: Re:Astra Militarum Orders

Astra Militarum Orders - Forum (12)Astra Militarum Orders - Forum (13)
Fresh-Faced New User

Astra Militarum Orders - Forum (14)Bilge Rat wrote:

To me the solution is simple. If someone issues two orders from a chimera, disembarks, and tries to issue two more, then you never, ever, ever play with that person again.

Why would you not play against someone who plays by the Rules ? Orders can be given from inside a Chimera (in the Command Phase) and after disembarking. Notice the "and" word ?

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Astra Militarum Orders - Forum (15)alextroy wrote:

If your Army Faction is Astra Militarum, Officer models with this ability can issue Orders. Each Officer’s datasheet will specify how many Orders it can issue and which units are eligible to receive those Orders. Each time an Officer model issues an Order, select one of the Orders below, then select one eligible friendly unit within 6" of that Officer model to issue it to. Officer models can issue Orders in your Command phase and at the end of a phase in which they disembarked from a Transport or were set up on the battlefield.

I've highlighted in red and Italics the answer to this question.

I dont understand. My question was how many Orders can be given. Can Ursula give two Orders in the Command Phase, from inside the Chimera, and another two after disembarking from the Transport in the same Turn ?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/02/02 08:05:06

Astra Militarum Orders - Forum (16)

Astra Militarum Orders - Forum (2024)


How do orders work in Astra Militarum? ›

If your Army Faction is Astra Militarum, in your Command phase, Officer models from your army with this ability can issue Orders. Each Officer's datasheet will specify how many Orders it can issue and which units are eligible to receive those Orders.

What is the biggest Astra Militarum tank? ›

The Baneblade is the primary super-heavy tank of the Astra Militarum, and one of the largest and oldest armoured fighting vehicles in the service of the Imperial armed forces.

What is the highest rank in the Astra Militarum? ›

Lord General, also commonly known as Lord Castellan, Lord Marshal, and Captain-General, is the highest rank possible to achieve on the General Staff of the Astra Militarum. This rank of general officer actually has many different titles depending on the cultural context of the holder.

Are Astra Militarum hard to play? ›

They are an army with a massive amount of variety and a huge number of units, boasting an impressive array of tanks. They are a somewhat complex army, that relies on using a lot of low-quality troops and their support, to good effect. Playing them is no easy task, and getting into 40K at all can be a daunting task.

Can Lord Solar use Master Vox? ›

Including Lord Solar with a unit of Infantry and a Command Squad with a Master Vox increases the range of Orders in that unit to 24”. The Master Vox increases the range of orders for Officers in its unit from 6″ to 24″. Because Lord Solar is an Officer and is in the unit, he gains this benefit.

Is kurovs aquila worth it? ›

Kurov's Aquila is probably worth considering for any army that has the points to spare, and Grand Strategist is probably going to cost less than another Officer in most cases.

What is the old name for Astra Militarum? ›

The Astra Militarum, also known as the Imperial Guard in colloquial Low Gothic, is the largest coherent fighting force in the galaxy and serves as the Imperium of Man's primary military force and first line of defence from the myriad threats which endanger the existence of the Human race in the 41st Millennium.

What is the best super heavy tank Astra Militarum? ›

Baneblade: This is a super-heavy tank that is the most powerful tank in the Astra Militarum arsenal. It is armed with a devastating main cannon and can also be equipped with a variety of other weapons.

Does Astra Militarum retire? ›

So Astartes never retire. They are made into ceaseless warriors, defending the Imperium and serving the will of the Emperor. There does not seem to be an observable age when their bodies break down. Dante, Commander of the Blood Angels, has lived and been fighting for more than 1,500 years.

What is the best Astra Militarum unit? ›

The Cadian Shock Troops being perhaps the most popular Astra Militarum regiment means they're among the best first armies to play due to their specialties. Such specialization is reflected in-game, with Born Soldiers (Doctrine) serving as a 6-to-Wound that can become 5-to-Wound with 1CP.

What is the best melee Astra Militarum? ›

Army Weaknesses

Mediocre Melee: The best melee unit Astra Militarum can bring to the table is Bullgryn.

What is the easiest Warhammer army to play? ›


Space Marines are very beginner friendly as they have straightforward tactics and great flexibility to handle both shooting and combat. This allows you to experiment to find a play style you enjoy without being punished for mistakes. They also aren't too expensive compared to other armies.

Can Kasrkin order themselves? ›

Always thought units in reserves can't be ordered but according to this Kasrkin can order themselves with their ability, and officers can issue orders to their own unit.

How do navigators work 40k? ›

All Navigators have a third eye, commonly called the "Warp eye," on their foreheads, which allows them to perceive the "psychic light" projected by the Emperor from Terra known as the Astronomican, enabling them to fully use their powers in guiding Human starships through the currents of the Warp.

Can you mix Astra Militarum regiments? ›

Once you've settled on your Regimental Doctrines, there are no restrictions on combining your favourite units and heroes, regardless of where they hail from.

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