Bakugou's Crush in My Hero Academia - Who Does He Have Feelings For? - (2024)

Bakugou’s brash attitude makes pinpointing his crush in My Hero Academia a challenge. But perceptive fans see clues in his relationships with Kirishima, Midoriya and even Todoroki. While he’s outwardly antagonistic, this could mask deeper affection. Ultimately Bakugou keeps his cards close, leaving the debate open for fans to analyze the subtle evidence.

Passionate My Hero Academia fans love decoding Bakugou’s thoughts and feelings, especially regarding romance. The spiky-haired hero-in-training plays it close to the vest, but clever viewers have searched for clues about his crush among the UA High classmates. Who might have captivated this explosives expert’s heart? Let’s review the evidence to see if we can unravel the mystery of Bakugou’s affection.

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Exploring the Enigma of Bakugou’s Hidden Feelings

Bakugou Katsuki inspires polarized reactions. Some My Hero Academia fans adore his fiery personality and cool Quirk. Others find his aggression and competitiveness major turn-offs. But most viewers agree that Bakugou makes for a complex, fascinating character. What lies beneath his prickly exterior? Does someone so volatile and prideful even experience romantic feelings? Bakugou plays his cards notoriously close to the chest, but clues suggest he harbors secret affections for a certain someone.

Fans speculate endlessly about Bakugou’s potential crush precisely because it seems so improbable. This is a guy who greets warm gestures with a sneer, who motivates others through insults. Imagining Bakugou gently holding someone’s hand or stammering through a confession strains credulity. Yet he contains hidden depths.

Moments arise reminding us that Bakugou isn’t just a human grenade. He’ll quietly defend someone from bullies or allow a sleeping classmate to rest on his shoulder. There are feelings beneath the fury. Bakugou simply masks vulnerability behind an explosion of anger, afraid to appear weak. But his cardiac armor has cracks.

So who might Bakugou actually have a crush on? Someone able to handle his prickly personality and draw out his protective instincts? The clues are hazy, but a few names recur. Let’s dive in and analyze Bakugou’s closest relationships to see what they could reveal about his romantic inclinations. This volatile teen plays hard-to-get, but perceptive fans may yet unravel the enigma of his heart.

The Riddle of Bakugou’s True Self

Cracking Bakugou’s crusty shell to expose the gooey center is no easy task. This is someone whoonce told his own mother to stop acting so friendly. Not exactly an open book. But his hostility often appears overblown, covering up insecurity.

Classmate Kaminari notes Bakugou puts up emotional barricades to avoid looking vulnerable. And Bakugou does occasionally betray flickers of his true self. He’ll quietly help Kirishima study or remind Uraraka to take breaks from training.

These moments provide glimpses beneath the armor – but Bakugou quickly suppresses them. He seems afraid of letting anyone get too close. This fear of intimacy likely extends to romance as well.

Yet Bakugou craves connection like anyone else. His blunt way of showing affection simply disguises it. Decoding his words and actions is key to unraveling his crush. But Bakugou won’t make it easy. He remains locked in internal conflict, torn between a desire for closeness and an aversion to appearing weak.

Bakugou’s Prickly Exterior Conceals a Gentle Heart

At first glance, Bakugou seems devoid of romantic inclination. Between fiery explosions and belligerent insults, he exhibits all the tenderness of a cactus. But this antagonistic armor shields vulnerability. Within dwells a gentler soul than Bakugou cares to admit.

Recall when his teammates collapsed during training. Bakugou didn’t mock their weakness. He patiently let Uraraka rest on his shoulder, then carried Kirishima on his back without complaint. Such quiet kindnesses contrast Bakugou’s cantankerous image.

Bakugou also has an endearingly protective side. When middle school bullies taunted Deku, Bakugou scared them off and walked his former friend home. And though he’d sooner swallow nails than say so, Bakugou worries for classmates’ safety. His fury at the League of Villains springs from concern for his friends.

This hidden softness makes picturing Bakugou in a relationship less impossible. He may act caustic as lye, but has a marshmallow center. Bakugou reflexively insults those closest to him because opening up leaves him feeling exposed. Underneath, however, he clearly cares.

His prickliness likely rooted in childhood insecurity. Constant praise for his Quirk made Bakugou arrogant, while Deku’s improvement threatened his status. This bred an inferiority complex requiring Bakugou to act tough at all times. He fears showing weakness, even through basic kindness.

But the foundations for healthy relationships exist beneath Bakugou’s hedgehog exterior. He values loyalty, protects those he cares for, and will quietly come through when needed. Bakugou simply requires someone stubborn enough to weather his defenses – and perceptive enough to notice the glimpses of gold within his abrasive shell.

Cracking Bakugou’s Armored Heart

Bakugou’s inner sensitivity remains locked behind fortified walls few can penetrate. His reflexive hostility aims to conceal any vulnerability. This knee-jerk emotional armor explains why Bakugou’s feelings are so opaque. He considers openness dangerous and mocks gentle gestures he secretly appreciates.

A rare few have managed to chip Bakugou’s granite shell, if only slightly. Kirishima persists in friendship despite Bakugou’s rebuffs and grasps that his insults mask camaraderie. Similarly, Kaminari sees through to the softie beneath all the swears and scorns.

But overall, Bakugou stays firmly on guard. He rejects any deeper connections that could expose his tender heart. Even those closest to Bakugou have likely only glimpsed his well-hidden romantic side.

Earning Bakugou’s full trust requires embracing both aspects of him – the caustic and the caring. It means accepting barbed insults as expressions of affection. Ultimately, Bakugou seeks someone able to hold their own against his prickliness but also willing to soothe his insecurities.

For now, romance remains a locked box Bakugou won’t soon open. But perceptive suitors may find the key in his rare unguarded moments. With stubborn care and insight, they could unlock Bakugou’s heavily fortified heart.

Sparks Beneath the Enmity: The Case for Midoriya

Given their thorny history, Midoriya seems an unlikely romantic interest for Bakugou. Their relationship defined by childhood bullying and present rivalry. Bakugou delights in putting Deku down, scorning his former friend’s aspirations. Yet perceptive fans sense suppressed affection beneath this enmity.

On the surface, Bakugou appears to despise Midoriya. He mocks Midoriya’s dream of becoming a hero, ridiculing his initially weak Quirk. Bakugou explodes if Midoriya even speaks to him at times. Few would peg these two as potential lovebirds.

But Bakugou’s hostility toward Midoriya seems excessive for mere resentment. He rejects Midoriya with a passion that could suggest a sublimated attraction. Methinks the dynamo doth protest too much.

Signs exist of repressed fondness on Bakugou’s part. He refused to let bullies seriously harm Deku, defending the quirkless boy against abusers. Bakugou also appears to follow Midoriya’s progress closely, infuriated yet impressed by his rapid growth.

This obsessive attention, coupled with his overt disdain, paints their rivalry as disguising deeper feelings. Perhaps Bakugou made Midoriya his scapegoat due to a painful inferiority complex. Contempt masks admiration and the sting of being eclipsed by someone he once considered beneath him.

Alternatively, residual childhood affection turned sour by jealousy might underlie Bakugou’s enmity. Either way, his extreme reactions to Midoriya seem fueled by intense, unresolved emotions. There could be fire beneath all that fury.

Blood Feud or Star-Crossed Love?

Assuming Bakugou does harbor hidden regard for Midoriya, what prevents him embracing it? Their thorny history sows major obstacles between any mutual affection.

Past resentments run deep. Bakugou clings to old grudges, unable to forgive Midoriya’s rise. He remains wracked by insecurity, fearing Midoriya’s growth makes him obsolete. This fuels his refusal to acknowledge any positive feelings.

Bakugou also associates vulnerability with weakness. Opening up to Midoriya means admitting past errors. Bakugou’s pride won’t yet allow that. Unspoken regret likely amplifies his hostility.

Thus Bakugou overcompensates through callousness. Admitting he misjudged Midoriya wounds his ego. Anger feels safer than acknowledging flaws. He’d rather play the villain than redress past sins.

Time may temper these walls between them. Bakugou must confront his pettiness and pride. Midoriya would need to forgive childhood wounds. For now, harsh history blocks any buried affections from surfacing. But sparks lurk under the enmity – given time, Bakugou’s heart could ignite.

Bakugou and Kirishima: Bonded by Trust

Unlike with Midoriya, Bakugou’s friendship with Kirishima seems drama-free. Kirishima wormed his way into Bakugou’s walled heart through sheer persistence, becoming an unexpected confidante. This gradual bond built on trust makes Kirishima a prime crush candidate.

From their first sports festival clash, Kirishima impressed Bakugou. His hardening Quirk let him withstand Bakugou’s big blows – while his friendliness rebuffed Bakugou’s hostility. Kirishima simply wouldn’t take no for an answer regarding friendship.

Against his will, Bakugou grew to respect the redhead’s pluck. Kirishima asks for little, giving trust and companionship freely. He accepts Bakugou’s prickly side without judgement. In turn, Bakugou lowers his guard more around Kirishima.

Signs indicate Bakugou relies on Kirishima in ways he’ll never admit. Despite grousing, he helps Kirishima study and practices rescues with him. And when severely injured, Bakugou first called out for his hardened friend – showing who he depends on most.

Kirishima also seems to grasp Bakugou’s hidden sensitivity. He explains Bakugou’s anger masks protectiveness for their classmates. Kirishima can read between the fiery lines to decipher Bakugou’s true feelings.

This mutual understanding provides fertile ground for friendship…or more. Bakugou values few as much as Kirishima – a big deal for someone so guarded. If he developed a crush, Kirishima’s steadfast loyalty makes him a prime candidate.

Cracking Bakugou’s Granite Shell

Unlike brash Midoriya, low-key Kirishima slipped behind Bakugou’s walls gradually. His laid-back persistence wore down Bakugou over time, forging a bond through incremental trust.

Kirishima accepts Bakugou’s prickly side without offence. He understands sharp words often conceal concern. Where others hear insults, Kirishima recognizes affection. This refusal to be pushed away despite Bakugou’s defenses likely gained his respect.

Additionally, Kirishima asks little of Bakugou compared to the demands of rivalry with Midoriya and Todoroki. He seeks friendship, not superiority. Kirishima’s support comes free of strings, asking no ego sacrifice.

For the guarded Bakugou, this gentle approach feels safest. Kirishima makes him vulnerable, but poses no obvious threat. Walls regulating rivalry could lower among such a trusted confidante, allowing deeper feelings to take root.

Whether platonic or romantic, Bakugou’s connection with Kirishima shows he can form meaningful bonds when conditions feel secure. Time and trust enabled someone to crack granite and find the gemstone within – now polished to a shine.

Sparring as Flirting? Reading Bakugou and Todoroki’s Rivalry

Bakugou’s most intense relationship is undeniably with rival Todoroki. Their competition constantly forces Bakugou to grow stronger. Yet some see the sheer passion in their rivalry as masking mutual attraction. Do Bakugou’s efforts to surpass Todoroki betray a hidden crush?

On the surface, Bakugou and Todoroki’s relationship looks fueled entirely by competition. Bakugou fixates on defeating Todoroki, infuriated by his natural prowess. Their joint training is less cooperation than contests of one-upmanship.

However, the ferocity of Bakugou’s drive to beat Todoroki feels excessive for mere professional rivalry. He obsessively stalks Todoroki’s progress and seethes at any progress made. Bakugou acts like a jilted ex unable to get over being left behind.

This implies deeper feelings than competitiveness underlie their dynamic. Bakugou’s hyper-focus on Todoroki could suggest latent attraction. He seeks desperately to gain Todoroki’s acknowledgement, indicating a need for his attention.

Their sparring takes on an almost flirtatious tenor. Todoroki seems to revel in provoking Bakugou, smiling at his angry reactions. Bakugou meanwhile gets in Todoroki’s personal space, absent typical social boundaries. Everything about their interactions drips with intensity.

While far from conclusive, interpreting Bakugou and Todoroki’s rivalry as romantic remains plausible. Their relationship lives and breathes passion, suggesting their clashes could be charged by suppressed desire as much as competitiveness.

Rivals to Lovers: Cracking Tough Exteriors

If latent attraction does underlie Bakugou and Todoroki’s rivalry, what prevents it becoming openly romantic? Their prickly exteriors prove one obstacle. Neither is inclined to emotional vulnerability.

Todoroki has his own psychological hangups hindering intimacy. His obsessive focus on surpassing his father blocks outside connections. And endeavoring to be Bakugou’s rival likely feels safer than admitting affection.

For Bakugou, rivalry with Todoroki is a point of pride. Any indication it means more stings his ego. Bakugou wants to beat Todoroki, not date him. His hyper-competitive shell resists softening to accommodate feelings.

Still, their steel shells contain chinks. Rivals rarely fixate as fiercely as Bakugou and Todoroki do without some personal investment beneath the surface. Cracking their armor could unleash a flood of passion.

For now, inherent prickliness keeps their dynamic simmering below open attraction. But intense emotions churn beneath. In time, the heat between them may rise to a confession, though it would take tectonic shifts in stubborn pride. Still, this seems a case where there may be thin line between love and hate.

Deciphering Bakugou’s Guarded Heart

Despite fan speculation and subtle clues, Bakugou’s true crush in My Hero Academia remains ambiguous. His prickly personality makes reading his romantic inclinations a challenge. But that’s precisely what makes the mystery so alluring.

Certain classmates emerge as more likely love interests based on narrative evidence. Midoriya, Kirishima, and Todoroki all share charged dynamics with Bakugou that could conceal mutual fondness beneath.

Yet definitive proof for Bakugou’s preferences stays elusive. His emotional armor is hard to penetrate. We’re left analyzing glimpses – a kind act, a lingering look. Bakugou studies his feelings as closely as pro heroes, keeping them locked down.

But this coyness just compels fans to dig deeper. Bakugou’s hidden depths prove endlessly compelling. We crave glimpses beneath his hedgehog exterior to the human vulnerability it shields.

In truth, Bakugou’s prickly attitude makes picturing him happily holding hands or stuttering through a confession difficult. Romance collides with his drive to appear strong. Bakugou likely feels conflicted about these softer emotions himself.

Ultimately, Bakugou’s feelings remain profoundly ambiguous. But that’s the point. Discerning his crush requires reading subtle signs and silences. The clues are hazy, but endlessly enticing. We keep watching because Bakugou intrigues us – and because seeing his walls finally crumble would be worth the wait.

The Appeal of Analyzing Fictional Crushes

On the surface, debating the romantic prospects of fictional characters might seem silly or inconsequential. But at its heart, this theorizing springs from a deep investment in story and character.

Fans who analyze Bakugou’s potential love interests do so because they care. Picking apart dynamics and motivations reflects a desire to fully understand these characters we’ve come to love. We feel connected to them and want to see them happy.

Shipping also allows creativity. Fans get to imagine new scenarios expanding on the original story, like what if fan fiction. It engages our imaginations and lets us participate as co-creators.

Ultimately, fandom theorizing helps fulfill the human need for community. We bond over analyzing stories we’re passionate about. Few things feel better than sharing enthusiasm with fellow fans as invested in fictional crushes as we are. Let the fun debates continue!

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  • Bakugou's Crush in My Hero Academia - Who Does He Have Feelings For? - (2024)
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