Here’s the Bratz Doll That Matches Each Zodiac Sign, Because They Influenced Gen Z Fashion (2024)

If you grew up playing with Bratz dolls, you’re now an adult with killer sense of fashion and a beautiful understanding of friendship. Between each Bratz girl’s mesmerizing eye makeup and gorgeously shaped pout, it’s no wonder these dolls continue to influence Gen Z fashion and beauty trends to this day. If you’ve always wanted to know which one you resemble most closely, here’s the Bratz doll that matches each zodiac sign.

The four original Bratz dolls—Yasmin, Cloe, Jade and Sasha—were released on May 21, 2001, making the whole brand of Bratz a Gemini to its core. And I mean, *very* Gemini. Bratz dolls were released right after the sun entered Gemini, making it the purest expression of Gemini. During this time, abundant Jupiter and committed Saturn were also moving through Gemini, which speaks to the staying power of these dolls. Make no mistake—after Jupiter re-enters Gemini on May 25, 2024, I predict the entire Bratz brand will experience a whole new level of fame and cultural resurgence.

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One thing that sets Bratz dolls apart is how heavily they focus on friendship, loyalty and being there for your besties. After all, Bratz dolls came out when the North Node of Destiny was moving through sentimental, protective and compassionate Cancer, which speaks to the way these dolls taught all of us how to treat each other with kindness and respect. And with that in mind, let’s discuss the Bratz doll that captures the power of each zodiac sign:

The Bratz Doll That Matches Each Zodiac Sign

Here’s the Bratz Doll That Matches Each Zodiac Sign, Because They Influenced Gen Z Fashion (1)

Aries: You’re Meygan (April 15)

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Meygan loves some friendly competition– you can count on her to bring the latest trending board games to a Bratz Pack slumber party! Meygan’s fashion passion is cool, comfy, and laid back—she likes to keep it casual so she’s ready for any challenge. Her friends call her “Funky Fashion Monkey” because even when she just hangs, she still looks good!

Meygan Bratz Doll

Price: $19.99 (was $26.99)

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Here’s the Bratz Doll That Matches Each Zodiac Sign, Because They Influenced Gen Z Fashion (2)

Taurus: You’re Kumi (April 29)

Kumi (a.k.a “Lucky Bug”) is a total globe trotter who appreciates the finer things in life. Catch her perusing Parisian boutiques at 1pm on a Wednesday because she’s just that girl. A total Taurus, Kumi is happiest when she’s surrounded by plush fabrics, sweet perfumes, and the finest cuisine. Kumi’s fashion passion is classic combined with the cutting edge.

Kumi Bratz Doll

Price: $19.99 (was $26.99)

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Gemini: You’re Cloe (May 23)

Cloe is playful, energetic, and a little bit (ok, really) dramatic. Her personality and style has so many sides—some days she’s soft girl glam, and other days she’s all about motorcycle style. Her Gemini nature shows all too well when she gets overwhelmed by her curiosity and passion, but her friends always help ground her. Her friends call her “Angel” because that’s what she is!

Cloe Bratz Doll

Price: $40.30 (was $69.99)

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Here’s the Bratz Doll That Matches Each Zodiac Sign, Because They Influenced Gen Z Fashion (4)

Cancer: You’re Yasmin (July 22)

Yasmin is highly in tune with her emotions, just like Cancers! Though she’s a little bit shy, she’ll always advocate for what’s right and empathize with others. Yasmin’s fashion passion is bohemian clothes in earth-tone colors and awesome textures— she’s always put together. Her friends call her “Pretty Princess” because she rules!

Yasmin Bratz Doll

Price: $40.26 (was $46.99)

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Here’s the Bratz Doll That Matches Each Zodiac Sign, Because They Influenced Gen Z Fashion (5)

Leo: You’re Sasha (August 3)

Sasha (a.k.a “Bunny Boo”) is the life of the party—she brings tunes, attitude, and head-turning style wherever she goes. She is fiercely loyal to her friends and has their backs through anything. Sasha loves all types of music, but especially hip hop, which has an influence on her streetwear fashion passion.

Sasha Bratz Doll

Price: $37.54

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Here’s the Bratz Doll That Matches Each Zodiac Sign, Because They Influenced Gen Z Fashion (6)

Virgo: You’e Nevra (September 5)

Nevra is thoughtful and gentle, but not afraid to be in charge—that’s why her friends call her “Queen B”! Her fashion passion is glam and dance floor-ready with silver accents! She can be a major perfectionist, but her girlfriend Roxxi balances her out with her more impulsive attitude.

Nevra Bratz Doll

Price: $19.99 (was $26.99)

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Here’s the Bratz Doll That Matches Each Zodiac Sign, Because They Influenced Gen Z Fashion (7)

Libra: You’re Dana (September 28)

Dana (a.k.a Sugar Shoes) is levelheaded, calm, and a little indecisive. She’s always making sure her friends are happy and taken care of. Like typical Libras, she loves symmetry—that’s why she’s so obsessed with shoes! Her fashion passion is totally girly and glam, and her personality is sweet as can be!

Dana Bratz Doll

Price: $35.99

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Here’s the Bratz Doll That Matches Each Zodiac Sign, Because They Influenced Gen Z Fashion (8)

Scorpio: You’re Jade (November 4)

Jade is a spunky and daring creative force with the ability to think about fashion and life from a new perspective. She’s always mixing mediums and expressing herself unapologetically. Jade always seems to be flicking through fashion magazines and looking for her next strike of inspiration to hit. Her friends call her “Kool Kat” because she loves cats, and to put it plainly… she’s cool!

Jade Bratz Doll

Price: $36.99

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Here’s the Bratz Doll That Matches Each Zodiac Sign, Because They Influenced Gen Z Fashion (9)

Sagittarius: You’re Tiana (November 30)

Tiana is always looking for the next thrill! Like a true fire sign, Tiana has red-hot style and loves to dance—whether it’s a hole in the wall karaoke place or a night out in Vegas, Tiana is down for whatever! Tiana’s spirit is larger than life, so it’s no surprise that her friends call her “Hot Sauce”!

Here’s the Bratz Doll That Matches Each Zodiac Sign, Because They Influenced Gen Z Fashion (10)

Capricorn: You’re Cameron (January 13)

Cameron (a.k.a “The Blaze”) is a true Capricorn—he’s extremely patient and resilient, but with a rebellious side. Cameron has had a thing for Cloe since the second grade, so it’s safe to say he’s playing the long game. Though he’s shy, he lights up when he gets on his motorcycle.

Cameron Bratz Doll

Price: $15.97

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Here’s the Bratz Doll That Matches Each Zodiac Sign, Because They Influenced Gen Z Fashion (11)

Aquarius: You’re Kiana (February 11)

Kiana is an upfront cowgirl who’s most in her element when she’s riding her horse in her scorchin’ western wear. She doesn’t have patience for petty things, and would rather focus her energy on being a fierce defender of animals and nature. Her friends call her “Outlaw Diva” because her looks are so good, it should be illegal!

Kiana Bratz Doll

Price: $19.95 (was $26.99)

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Here’s the Bratz Doll That Matches Each Zodiac Sign, Because They Influenced Gen Z Fashion (12)

Pisces: You’re Felicia (March 7)

Felicia is extremely intelligent, intuitive, and driven. As a Pisces, she’s wise beyond her years and is self-assured. She has a special connection with nature and loves outerwear, but loves putting on an evening gown just as much! Felicia’s friends call her “Glam Gecko” because she’s an outdoorsy gal who loves to dress it up!

Felicia Bratz Doll

Price: $48.70 (was $60.99)

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Here’s the Bratz Doll That Matches Each Zodiac Sign, Because They Influenced Gen Z Fashion (13)

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Here’s the Bratz Doll That Matches Each Zodiac Sign, Because They Influenced Gen Z Fashion (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.