Married at First Sight by Gu Lingfei Chapter 1621 to 1630 - NovelJt (2024)



“Ithinkrunningawayfromtheproblemwon’tsolveit.Liberty,don’tmoveoutofthatstreetnow.Yourshophasbeenoperatingthereforquite awhile,andyoufinallyhavesomeregularcustomers.Ifyourelocate,you’llneedtostarteverythingfromscratch.












“Liberty,it’squitelate.Youcan stayheretonight.”






Libertyanswered,“Iwant tosendSonnytoGoldenGroundsPreschool.Thatpreschoolhappenstobesituatedsomewherebetweenmyhouseandmydiner.It’sconvenientformetosendhimthere


Thepreschoolwasjustashortdistancefromherhouseandbreakfast shop.







Theproblem was,evenwealthypeoplewouldnotnecessarilybeguaranteedaplaceinWiltspoonLearningCenter.




Serenitysaid,“Zachary hasaskedmeaboutitbefore.IfyouplantoenrollSonnyinWLC,hecanhelpwithit.Youdon’thavetoworryaboutthefees.You haveZacharyandme.”





Similartootherparents,shehoped thathersoncouldlearninthebestschool.



Serenitydidnot insistonhelpingLibertypaySonny’sschoolfees.





NowthatSerenitywastheyoungmissus oftheYorks,moneywaswhatsheneededleast.

However,Liberty wasdeterminedtorelyonherself.Sherefusedtomentionmoneymatterswithhersister.

Libertywasafraid ofdiscussingmoneywithSerenityasitwouldaffectSerenity’sstatusinZachary’sfamilyand holdherback.



Libertywasextremelygratefulto SerenityandZachary.

“Liberty,don’tmentionit.I’mgoing tobeangryifyoucontinuetobeoverlypolite.Withoutyou,howwouldIturnout?We’resisters,and wedependoneachother.IdoraiseSonnyandtreathimlikemyson.I’mconcernedabouthiseducationasmuchasyouare.


Libertysmiledandsaid,“Alright.I’mnotgoingtobeexcessivelycourteouswithyouanymore.It’sgettinglate.You’dbettergobackandrest.Youdon’tneedtoseemeoff.It’snotmyfirsttimevisitingyoueither.I’velongtreatedthisas myhome.”



“Icanafford ahouse,soIdon’tneedyoutobuymeone.Thisisthesameasbuyingacar.IfIneed

acar,I’lldefinitelybuyit.Youdon’thavetogift meanything.Ihopeto achieveeverythingonmyown.”


Zacharyhadstartedtodraftalistofbetrothalgifts.Hehad adiscussionwithSerenityaboutgivingLibertyavilla.







Sonny,whohadjustshowered,dashedoutwithabigwatergunandpointeditatSerenity.However,hedidnotdaretoshootatSerenity.HewasworriedZacharywouldbeathisbuttifhewet Serenity’sshirt.



Serenityraisedherhandsasasignofsurrender.Then,shelaughed andsaid,“Sonny,Isurrender.”Shewentforwardtocarrythekid.“Yousmellgood,Sonny.”

“AuntElisaistheonewhosmells good,”Sonnysaid.Elisaalwaysexudedapleasantscent,andsodidSerenity.Nevertheless,Serenity’sscentwasfainterthanElisa’s.



ZacharyhadgivenSerenity alotofbrandedperfumes.Afterrealizingthatshedislikedthem,Zacharystoppedgivingthemtoher.

“Aunt Ser,hasmymomgonehome?”










“IfIweren’tabletohelp,Iwouldn’thave mentionedittoyou.I’llhandleit.I’llmakesuremynephewgetsintoWLCforfree.Eveniffeesareinvolved,I’llpayforLiberty.



“IfweinsistonpayingSonny’sfees,Libertywon’tenrollhiminthebestpreschool.Babe, Ithinkit’squiteimpossibleformetocompletethemissionyouassignedtome.”

Zacharythoughtabouthersister–in–law’stemperamentbeforehereplied,“Fine.We’llletLibertypaytheschoolfees,butshemustacceptthevillawe’regivingtoher.Let’stakealookatthevillawhenwe’reavailable.Judgingfromtheexquisiterenovationof thehouse,Libertywon’tneedtodedicatehertime andefforttorenovatingit.”




If itwerenotbecauseMrs.LewisfearedZacharyandtheStones,shewouldhaveforcefullykickedLibertyoutof Wiltspoon.

“WeshallletLibertyandDuncansettle theirmatters.AslongasMrs.Lewisisn’ttoodomineeringtowardLiberty,let’snothaveahandinit.”


Libertyreturned toherhousealone.Shewasastonishedtoseeherex–husband,Hank,waitingforheratthegate.







“Sonnyisstartingpreschool.Haveyoudecidedonwhichonetosendhimto?Ifit’snotconvenientforyoutodrophimofforpickhimup,Icangetmymom’shelp.I’msuremymomisready tohelp.”



BeforeZacharygave heradefinitereply,LibertywouldnottellHankthatshewouldenrollSonnyinthebestpreschool.

Libertypushedopen thedoorofherhouseandentered.WithHankfollowingbehindher,shedidnotshutthedoor.






Chapter 1629

After leaving the hospital, Hank even accompanied Jessica to another mall to get what she wanted.

When they got home, he could not stop thinking about the scene of Duncan and Sonny’s close interaction, which exasperated him. His concern was that his son would be snatched away by Duncan and end up calling Duncan “Dad”.

As soon as Jessica went to bed, he secretly left the house to buy some snacks and toys. Then, he rushed to his ex-wife’s place.

He never thought of saving his relationship with Liberty.

There was no turning back. He could not get together with Liberty anymore.

However, Sonny was his son. How could his son behave intimately with the man who was pursuing his ex-wife? Duncan had seriously challenged Hank’s identity as Sonny’s father.

“Is your wife’s baby fine?” Liberty asked indifferently.

Slightly ashamed, Hank answered, “The baby is fine.”

“Sonny has been eating and playing a lot. You don’t have to buy him so many things.”

“I know he doesn’t need these, but I want to send him gifts. Liberty, was Sonny upset after I left?”

Hank felt sorry for his son.

In the past, he hardly spent time with his son.

At that time, he was in the first flush of love with Jessica, so he put all his attention on her.

After getting a divorce, he could count the number of times he accompanied his son with one


“Sonny was a little upset, but he soon got over it.”

When Hank heard that his son was upset because he left, he felt more at ease. At least his son

cared about him.

Liberty poured a glass of warm water for Hank.

Hank fell quiet for a moment. He then looked at Liberty and asked, “Liberty, you and Mr. Lewis…”

“What’s wrong?” Liberty asked him.

“Nothing. I just feel that both of you aren’t a suitable match. I don’t have the right to stop you from remarrying, but as Sonny’s mom, you’ll bring him along when you remarry. If you marry a bad

partner, I’m worried my son will get hurt. So I’m just asking.”

Hank came up with an excuse to conceal his jealousy.

“Liberty, you must think before you act. Think carefully. Mr. Lewis isn’t suitable for you.”

Liberty was not angry. However, she said nonchalantly, “Mr. Brown, I don’t dare trouble you to care

about my relationships. You can just live your own life.”

Currently, Hank was a Uber driver. Although it was not a high-paying job, at least he had an income.

His family life was dramatic.

Liberty knew her ex-mother-in-law and ex-sister-in-law very well. Even though Jessica was pregnant, the two of them would make things difficult for Jessica.

It was anyone’s guess if Jessica could successfully deliver the baby.

If it turned out to be a boy, all would be well. If it was a girl, the two of them would certainly torture


Anyway, Jessica would not be able to lead a peaceful life.

This would be Jessica’s karma for ruining Liberty’s marriage and snatching her husband.

Hank was embarrassed.

“Mr. Brown, if there’s nothing else, please take your leave. It’s getting late. I need rest as I have to

work tomorrow.”

“Liberty, I…”

“Mr. Brown, I believe you came without getting your wife’s permission. If she finds out that you secretly came here to visit Sonny, she might have a bitter row with you.”

Jessica disliked Hank being overly concerned about Sonny.

Liberty was well aware of that.

Chapter 1630

Jessica did not like how worried her husband’s family was about Sonny before she became pregnant. She hated it even more now that she was pregnant.

At the mention of Jessica, Hank could not sit for long.

He got up and left shortly.

After walking her ex-husband out, Liberty closed the door and locked it. She felt a rush of thrill in


It was because she was seeing her ex-husband living a pathetic life after he remarried.

On the other hand, Liberty and her son were leading a better life. This was the best revenge against her ex-husband.

She did not speak again that night.

Once the sun rose, it signaled a new beginning.

In the following days, both Serenity and Liberty were busy.

Duncan continued to have daily breakfast at All You Can Eat, give Liberty flowers, and send her all

kinds of gifts. Although Liberty rejected all his presents, he was still persistent.

Zachary enrolled Sonny in Wiltspoon Learning Center. In September, Sonny would start his preschool education there.

The temperature rose and June was soon arriving.

The weather in June was extraordinarily warm in Wiltspoon.

Josh and Jasmine hurriedly returned from their honeymoon that took place in June.

Josh purposely asked for two months of marriage leave from Zachary in order to spend more time with his newly-wedded wife.

When the two of them left for their honeymoon, they planned to have fun for two months. It turned out that they returned after a month or so.

After learning that Josh and Jasmine ended their honeymoon trip earlier, Serenity instinctively felt that something was wrong. As soon as she received the news, Elisa happened to come back from her hometown. Serenity and Elisa then visited the Buchams.

Upon arriving at the Buchams’ place, Serenity and Elisa were shocked to learn that Jasmine was lying on the bed. They were wondering what happened to Jasmine.

“Mrs Bucham, I’m going upstairs to visit Jasmine.

Serenity was anxious. She wanted to know what happened to her best friend. Just as she took a seat, she suggested going upstairs to visit Jasmine.

Mrs Bucham said with a smile, “Alright Let me take both of you up.”

It was because Josh was still upstairs.

Mrs. Bucham ordered a servant to lead Serenity and Elisa to the upper floor.

Elisa held Serenity’s hand and said softly, “Seren, don’t be too nervous or scared. Judging from Mrs. Bucham’s cheerful mood and bright smile, Jasmine should be fine. Even if something

happened to her, it’s probably something good.”

The Buchams were content with Jasmine. When Josh was going after Jasmine, Mrs. Bucham handed the heirloom to Jasmine and considered Jasmine her eldest daughter-in-law. 1

If something bad happened to Jasmine, Mrs. Bucham would not be in such a good mood.

At this thought, Serenity found it reasonable. She was so concerned about Jasmine that she never thought of this point.

If it turned out to be something good…

She whispered to Elisa, “Could Jas be pregnant?”

Getting pregnant during their honeymoon was such a delight.

If Jasmine was pregnant, it would be unsurprising that Josh quickly took Jasmine home.

The servant took Serenity and Elisa upstairs. Once they arrived at Jasmine and Josh’s room, servant knocked on the door.

“Sir, Mrs. York and Ms. Stone are here to visit Missus.”


Josh, who was accompanying his beloved wife, made Jasmine rest on the bed. Upon hearing the maid’s message, he said to Jasmine, “Serenity and Elisa are here. Let me open the door for them. You can chat with them, but you must stay in bed and rest.”

Jasmine said, “I’m pregnant, not sick. I can’t feel anything as I’ve just gotten pregnant. It shouldn’t

have been a problem to carry on with our trip, yet you insisted on ending the trip and sending me back. You don’t even allow me to get off my bed.”

It was as though Jasmine was a patient.

Married at First Sight by Gu Lingfei Chapter 1621 to 1630 - NovelJt (2024)
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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.