The thespian and the pop star - Chapter 1 - an_undead_gamer_45 (2024)

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The thespian and the pop star - Chapter 1 - an_undead_gamer_45 (1)

It was a dark and stormy evening in the wrath Ring of Hell, dark clouds hanging overhead dumping a torrent of rain on the cursed land below; every so often, a bolt of lightning would strike the earth and briefly illuminate the dark red sky, followed by a booming clap of thunder that echoed across the land.

While the Wrath Ring is certainly known for its agricultural base that provided for the other rings with farms and ranches scattered around, that’s not to say there aren’t hints of urbanization there. There are a few towns and even a decently sized city that serves as a makeshift capitol for the ring itself, it’s nowhere near as grand as the cities of the Pride Ring but still notable nonetheless; particularly because said capitol serves as the home of one of the seven deadly sins, the lord of wrath, but we’re getting off track.

Our story is not about the politics and hierarchy of the Wrath Ring, in actuality it is the story of a denizen of the Lust Ring who had found herself in an unfortunate set of circ*mstances due to the selfish acts of a demon she thought she could trust which wound up leaving her stumbling through the rainy streets with a scowl on her face.

Enter Verosika Mayday, a succubus hailing from the Lust Ring (as all succubi and incubi do) who has a small but blossoming music career in the genre of pop. Verosika hadn’t made it big yet, but she had been getting plenty of gigs lately and the venues have been getting better and better by the day and she knew it was only a matter of time before someone noticed her.

Unfortunately, being noticed was what got her into this mess in the first place: while playing a show at a relatively well known club in the Lust Ring, she had encountered a rather attractive imp going by the name of Blitzo (the ‘O’ was silent.) who had just finished beating the crap out of what looked like some gang members. A quick conversation revealed that the imp apparently stole something from them and he wasn’t too keen on giving it back, which led to the aforementioned brawl. How he had come out on top in a five-on-one fight, she’ll never know, but needless to say Verosika’s interest had been piqued and she started chatting with the imp.

One thing led to another and the next thing the succubus knew, they were waking up together after a long night of passion in some random hotel room; which was where their relationship began proper.

It had been wonderful at first, Blitzo was not only a great lay but also knew how to have a helluva fun time. He was loud, passionate, and not afraid to speak his mind for better or for worse and she adored him for it. Those initial weeks of their relationship had been the best of her life, littered with excitement and debauchery, Verosika had believed she had truly found the one for her and even got a tattoo to prove it.

But then as time went on, things started to go sour. Blitzo’s loudmouthed personality, while charming at first, had begun to grate on the succubus as he seemed to grow more and more self-centered by the day and kept getting them into trouble because of it; not to mention the fact that he always seemed to be keeping her at arm’s length, never letting her get too close to him, for no apparent reason. Any attempts to close the distance were always rebuffed or deflected by the imp and Verosika found herself becoming frustrated. Their relationship quickly deteriorated after that with shouting matches shared between them, Verosika growing cold towards her boyfriend and Blitzo’s behavior somehow becoming increasingly erratic.

It all came to a climax when, after a session of great hate sex, Verosika awoke to find that Blitzo had stolen her car and took it on a joyride straight to the Wrath Ring. Needless to say the musical artist was fairly pissed off when she finally managed to get down there, even more so when she came across the totaled remains of her car, but what ended up being the last straw was when Verosika finally located Blitzo and learned that he had maxed out all of her credit cards on sh*tty horse riding lessons.

Yeah, beating the crap out of him and slamming him face first through the nearest fence was more than a justified reaction, as was the rage-induced breakup speech that followed said beating.

After leaving Blitzo to his devices, Verosika had started to make the long trip home with anger practically radiating off the succubus. Unfortunately for her, Verosika had been so consumed by fury that she wasn’t paying attention to where she was going and wound up becoming hopelessly lost in the wrath capital.

To make matters worse, it started to rain. It wasn’t a light drizzle either, Verosika quickly found herself caught in the middle of a furious downpour that left her soaked to the bone and completely ruined the remnants of her makeup.

Which brings us to the here and now; Verosika Mayday was stuck smack dab in the middle of the Wrath Ring with no money and no ride, sopping wet and freezing solid, equal parts upset and angry from her breakup. In summary, she was completely and utterly miserable.

“f*cking Blitzo, this is all his fault. I wish I never met that goddamn horse f*cker.” Verosika muttered to herself.

The succubus had tried to retrace her steps, find some familiar surroundings, but that only seemed to get her lost further as she continued to stroll through unknown territory in a vain attempt to regain her sense of direction.

Apparently the universe decided she wasn’t suffering enough, as one of Verosika’s heels wound up getting caught in a sizable crack in the sidewalk that she had somehow missed. This led to the heel getting stuck in said crack, snapping off, and sending Verosika tumbling face first into a puddle, her visage smashing against the concrete.

“MOTHERf*ckER!” Verosika screamed, clutching her now bleeding nose.

The musician then stumbled into a nearby alley, somewhat dazed from the impact, before slamming wings-first into a dumpster. A flare of pain helpfully letting her know that she had just landed on them wrong in the worst way possible, which only served to make her situation all the worse.

Verosika grit her teeth. “Damn it, I just got these shoes! I spent all month saving up for...oh come on!”

The succubus looked down at her dress and realized that blood had started to drip all over the fabric and stain it, the rain pouring down on her head doing nothing to get the bodily fluids out and in fact only seemed to make it worse.

Finally, Verosika couldn’t take it anymore; all of the pain and misery she had gone through over the last few hours had pushed her to the brink of her own sanity and the only thing she could do now was cry out of sheer frustration. The succubus curling up into a ball and sobbing into her knees, her tears staining her already soaked leggings, not caring if anyone saw her like this and made fun of her misfortune...or worse.

A prediction that soon seemed to come true as she heard footsteps approaching her, the sound of hooves clacking against the pavement echoing through the alleway. Fortunately for Verosika, the demon in question had no interest in making a terrible situation even worse for her; in fact, the exact opposite occurred.

“Excuse me, miss? Are you alright? Do you need some help?” a soft voice said.

Suddenly the sensation of rain impacting against her body vanished and Verosika looked up to see a rather concerned imp holding an umbrella over her, protecting her from the rain.

He was a delicate looking thing, wearing a well worn black suit with a white undershirt. His white hair combed into a neat and professional style, a far cry from the usual bed-heads of wrath ring imps, with white freckles dotting his cheeks and glowing yellow eyes holding nothing but concern for the bleeding demon before him.

“I’m...I’m fine, just leave me alone.” Verosika huffed.

“Ma’am, you’re collapsed in a dirty alleway, bleeding quite profusely. I’m not going to do that.” The imp replied.

“Oh will you f*ck off! I’ve been having a really sh*tty day today and I don’t need some dumbass imp pitying me! Just let me wallow in my own anger in peace!”

The imp did not f*ck off, instead he held out a hand in an offer to help the succubus back on her feet. “Well if you want to have a pity party, this is hardly a place to do it. You’re gonna catch your death out here. Come on, I know a nice diner not too far away from here that you can dry off and warm up in.”

“I don’t have any money.” Verosika snapped.

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll pay for both of us.” The imp said, hand still outstretched. “Now get up, you can’t just sit there all night.”

Verosika looked at the imp’s hand for a brief moment before huffing and grabbing it, letting the demon pull her back to her feet. It was then that she realized the sheer size difference between the two of them, Blitzo was already pretty short to begin with but this guy was somehow even smaller than he was.

The demon then handed her the umbrella, seeing as he was in no position to hold it above her properly, and led her down the rainy streets to the diner he had mentioned; offering her a hanky to staunch her nose bleed, which she promptly accepted.

“By the way, I never got your name.” The imp said.

“Verosika Mayday.” The succubus replied. “What about you?”

“Call me Moxxie.”


After about five minutes of travel time the duo arrived at the diner and it was about what Verosika had expected from the Wrath Ring: a real greasy spoon with worn out booths, a busted jukebox in the corner, croney old waitresses, and the scent of fried food wafting through the air. But it still beat a dank old alleyway by a mile.

At least her nose had finally stopped bleeding and the pain in her wings had subsided, although she was a little bitter she had to chuck her shoes but they were ruined anyways.

Some hag of a demon with way too much make up quickly stuffed them in a booth by the window, tossing them a menu and gruffy instructing them to make their choices. Moxxie asked for a cobb salad while Verosika ordered the greasiest burger on the menu with coffee for both of them. It might have not been the healthiest option for her, but she was in some serious need of comfort food.

There was nothing but sheer silence between them as Verosika used some nearby napkins to dry herself off, flexing her fingers to ward off the feelings of numbness, while Moxxie politely sat there and observed her.

It wasn’t until the coffee finally came that Moxxie decided to speak up.

“Alright, what happened?”

“Hmm?” Verosika said, sipping down the bitter caffeine.

“You said you were having a sh*tty day. What happened?” Moxxie repeated.

Verosika huffed. “I don’t wanna talk about it, you wouldn’t understand.”

“I can try, I’m a really good listener.” Moxxie said. “And it might make you feel better to do a bit of venting.”

Verosika stared down at her coffee for a few moments, her tear stained visage reflected in the black liquid, until she let out a sigh.

“Fine, it all started back when I met this dickhe*d named Blitzo…”

The next half hour or so was occupied by Verosika ranting about her ex-boyfriend and what he had done to her to put her in such a tough spot, along with all the feelings of hatred and spite she had developed because of it. She had only meant to give Moxxie the brief overview, but the succubus soon found herself pouring her heart out to him like he was some kind of therapist and she didn’t know why; maybe it was because he had a rather trustworthy aura to him or maybe it was because she simply couldn’t stop herself, but the end result was still the same.

“And then to top it all off, I wound up getting lost in this sh*tty little town in the rain with no way of getting home! AND IT’S ALL THAT INCONSIDERATE ASSHOLE’S FAULT!” Verosika shouted, finishing up her story with shallow breaths.

“Wow that is...that is just horrible.” Moxxie said.

“Tell me about it, I let him into my heart and that f*cker decides to rip it out for a laugh. f*ck, how could he even do this to me?”

“I’m not sure, by all accounts you really seemed to try and make things work between the two of you. Perhaps he just didn’t have the emotional maturity for a serious relationship and never saw you as a true romantic partner.”

Verosika took another swig of coffee. “Maybe you’re right. He always got nervous whenever I wanted things to get a bit more serious between us; but that dickhe*d could have at least had the decency to tell me I didn’t mean anything to him!”

“I’m sorry Ms.Mayday. But sometimes relationships just don’t pan out the way we want them too...something I know all too well.” Moxxie replied with a rather forlorn expression.

Verosika could clearly see that there was a story there, one possibly just as heartbreaking as hers, but decided that it would be better for her just to leave it alone for now. She had just met the guy after all, it wouldn’t be right to start digging into his own past even if she had been so willing to open up to him.

Right then the waitress finally returned with their respective meals, the smell of grilled beef and salty fries filling Verosika’s nostrils. The succubus couldn’t stop herself from immediately wolfing down the hot meal, beating the living crap out of your ex certainly worked up an appetite.

The pair of them quickly returned to the silence from earlier, the only sounds shared between them being that of the light chewing noises as they worked their way through their food, until it was broken by another clap of thunder that was far louder than any of the previous ones.

“Hmmm, this storm doesn’t look like it’s going to lighten up anytime soon. I assume you don’t have a place to stay?” Moxxie said, gaze focused on the monsoon outside.

Verosika wordlessly shook her head, mouth still full of greasy food.

“And you’ll probably miss the last train out of here by the time you reach the station.” Moxxie hummed. “Would you be okay staying at my place tonight? It’s nothing particularly special but I’m certain it’s better than sleeping out in the storm.”

“What? Really?”

“Of course, you seem fairly trustworthy to me and it wouldn’t be right to leave you out in the cold, cold rain tonight. But I understand if you don’t feel comfortable spending the night with an imp you just met.” Moxxie replied.

Verosika couldn’t believe it, she barely even knew the demon before her and he dragged her out of the rain, bought her a hot meal, and was opening his home to her out of nothing but the kindness of his heart; this imp was showing more generosity to her than anyone ever had...which immediately made her suspicious. Verosika was no idiot, she knew that there were plenty of scumbags out there who preyed on sexy but naive girls like her, luring them in with kind smiles and sweet words and then doing horrible things to them once they got close.

But looking at Moxxie she didn’t detect any of the usual malevolence that radiated from such predators, there was nothing behind his yellow eyes but genuine kindness and concern and Verosika couldn’t help but feel almost a sense of comfort wash over her as she gazed into those golden orbs.

“Ma’am? Ms.Mayday? Are you okay?”

Verosika snapped back to reality and noticed that Moxxie was snapping his fingers in her face to get her attention, apparently she had been staring at him for longer than she had realized.

“Oh sorry, just spaced out there for a sec. But yeah, I’m fine to crash at your place for the night; it’d sure beat a dumpster.” The succubus said.

Moxxie smiled and dropped a few bills on the table. “Great! I’ll take you there right now, it’s practically just around the corner so it won’t take long for us to get over there.”

Verosika smiled back and quickly finished up the remnants of her food, her sour mood quickly improving by her recent stroke of luck. What were the chances that she’d wind up running into one of the kindest demons in all of hell right after a bad break up?


The first thing Verosika noticed about Moxxie’s apartment was how barren it was.

It wasn’t barren in a sort of ‘minimalist’ way where there was a complete lack of decor, it was more like the apartment used to be fully furnished but it had been recently stripped clean of its contents: empty bookshelves, outlines from where picture frames once hung against the walls, and a rolled up carpet laying near the front door.

The only reason Verosika didn’t assume Moxxie hadn’t just been robbed was due to the fact that there was an abundance of cardboard boxes strewn about, taped shut and messily labeled with black marker.

“Sorry about the clutter, I’m in the process of moving house.” Moxxie said, shaking off the collected moisture of the umbrella before placing it next to the door.

“Where to?” Asked Verosika.

“Imp City over in the Pride Ring. I know it’s not a particularly glamorous place, but I’m a little sick of my hometown and wanted to get a fresh start in some new surroundings.”

“I get that. I did the same thing when I started my singing career.”

Moxxie looked up at the succubus. “You’re a singer?”

“Yep.” Verosika nodded. “I haven’t made it big yet, but it’s only a matter of time. I’ve already started turning a few heads at some of the gigs I’ve played.”

“Huh, neat. Well anyways, the bedroom is just down that hall over there, feel free to make yourself comfortable. I’ll be on the couch if you need me.” Said Moxxie.


With that Verosika strolled off in the direction of her temporary quarters, finding that the bedroom was just as packed away as the rest of the house with several more cardboard boxes occupying a corner of the room. Thankfully the covers and pillows were still on the bed, which was a bit small and worn out but Verosika really wasn’t in any position to be picky.

After everything she had gone through over the course of the day, all Verosika wanted to do was collapse into the mattress and pass out.

The succubus proceeded to do exactly that, falling into a deep slumber the moment her head hit the pillow.

Unfortunately, there were no sweet dreams to be had by Verosika that night. The poor woman spent most of the night tossing and turning, flashes of moments between her and Blitzo crossing through her mind with an almost nightmarish filter; culminating in a replay of their furious breakup that would have been better suited for a psychedelic music video. It all hurt so much.

Even with all his faults, all his arrogance and immature tendencies, Verosika really had loved Blitzo. He had carried himself with a passion that was rivaled only by her own, his loud and bombastic personality had captured her heart and she had thought they would have gone all the way, rising up to be one of the most feared power couples on Hell’s music scene...boy was she wrong. Blitzo had meant everything to her, but Verosika had meant absolutely nothing to him outside of being a cheap whor* he used for some sexual fun intermingled with crazy escapades.

Looking back, the feelings of hurt and betrayal played a pretty big part in motivating the beatdown she had dished out back at that ranch, maybe even more so than the anger she felt over him wrecking her car and stealing her cash. But there was no way she was going to degrade herself by crawling back to that douchebag, Verosika and Blitzo were splitsville and that was final; even if her subconscious seemed to be fighting against that line of thinking in the form of some restless dreams.

When the light of the Wrath Ring’s sun peeked through the curtains and started beating down upon the succubus’ face, it was almost a blessing as it had allowed her to push back down her latent feelings and focus on the present. Namely what her next move was going to be, seeing as she was newly single and stuck in thousands of souls worth of credit card debt.

Just as Verosika rose out of bed with a stretch and a yawn, a glimmer out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. Looking closer, she realized it was a picture frame laying on the floor, surrounded by broken glass; which was rather odd, she didn’t think Moxxie would be the type to just leave a broken photograph on the floor like that.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Verosika decided to investigate further; she quickly hopped out of bed and scooped the frame off the ground to better examine it. Beneath the shattered glass of the frame lay a photograph, one that seemed to have been taken only a few years ago judging by the date written at the bottom. The photo itself was of a slightly younger looking Moxxie in a worn out t-shirt and plaid vest, accompanied by a female imp with messy black hair, a beauty mark on her cheek, and a torn black tank top; one of the imp’s arms was interlocked with Moxxie’s while the other was clutching a blood soaked trophy. Both of them were smiling widely, seemingly unbothered by the viscera coating their bodies, and the picture was labeled: ‘first harvest moon festival together!’.

“That must have been his why would he just leave it broken like this?” Verosika asked herself.

Before she could ponder this fact any further, Verosika heard the sound of footsteps approaching the room. Letting out a small eep of panic, the succubus quickly returned the photo to its original spot and hopped into bed just as several knocks resonated from the door.

“Ms.Mayday? May I come in?” Moxxie’s voice said from the otherside of the wood.

“Yeah, sure.” Verosika replied.

Poking his head into the room, Moxxie softly smiled at the succubus. “Good morning to you, did you sleep well last night?”

Verosika shrugged. “Eh, more or less.”

“That’s good to hear. Anyways I just wanted to let you know that breakfast is almost ready, I hope you don’t mind pancakes…” Moxxie trailed off and averted his eyes.

“Something wrong Moxxie?”

“It’s might want to check your dress.” The imp said with a profound blush.

Verosika looked down in confusion, only to realize that her outfit had slipped off in the middle of the night and one of her ‘girls’ was currently hanging out for all to see.

“Oh sh*t, sorry.” the succubus said, tucking the offending nipple back under her clothes.

“It’s f-fine, think nothing of it.” Moxxie replied. “As I was saying, I made pancakes and bacon for you. If you want any, feel free to join me in the kitchen.”

On that note, Moxxie promptly scrambled out into the hallway, still trying to shake off his flustered expression. One that Verosika couldn’t help but admit looked a little cute on him.

‘Hold it. You just got out of a sucky-ass relationship, now is not the time to be looking for a rebound.’ Verosika internally scolded herself.

Quickly making herself somewhat presentable, the succubus strolled into the kitchen to join Moxxie for breakfast and found that the imp had just finished piling up a stack of fluffy goodness straight from the skillet.

“So do you want any syrup on your pancakes, perhaps some bananas?” Asked Moxxie.

“I’m more of a strawberries and whipped cream sort of girl.” Verosika replied, taking a seat at the kitchen table.

Moxxie nodded, piling the ingredients in question onto the freshly made hot cakes and sliding the dish over to the succubus.

Verosika’s expectations weren’t particularly high for this meal, assuming it was just some pre-made pancake mix Moxxie had pulled from a cardboard box and would be relatively unsatisfying. But the moment the succubus wrapped her lips around the first bite, she was immediately proven wrong as a burst of flavor hit her tongue and left her shivering with delight.

“Good?” Asked Moxxie.

“Good doesn’t even describe it! These are f*cking amazing!” Verosika cooed. “I didn’t even know you could make pancake mix taste this good!”

“Oh please, I don’t use any of that boxed crap. No, these are all from scratch, it’s my mother’s recipe; we used to make these together almost every morning when I was younger. It’s how I got into baking as a hobby.”


As they each chewed through their respective pancake stacks, a thought suddenly popped into Verosika’s head; one that really should have occurred to her much earlier.

“Hey, Moxxie?”

“Hmmm?” The imp hummed with a mouthful of pancake.

“Why the hell are you doing all of this for me?”

“What do you mean?” Moxxie asked.

“You don’t even know me, all I am is some rando you found in an alleyway. But you picked me up, bought me a hot meal, gave me a place to crash for the night, and now you’re making me breakfast.” Said Verosika. “So what’s your angle? Are you hoping I’ll go down on you for all this? I mean I wouldn’t mind but-”

The succubus was cut off by Moxxie breaking out into a coughing fit, the white haired demon hacking up a piece of partially chewed pancake.

“No, no! There’s no angle! I don’t need any sexual favors.” the imp sputtered out.

Verosika couldn’t help but smirk at the deep red blush that came across Moxxie’s face, finding his flustered expression both hilarious and adorable, and decided to have a little bit of fun with him.

“Are you sure? I’ve got a very flexible tongue.” Verosika added, demonstrating by wrapping the muscle around a strawberry before pulling it into her mouth in a highly seductive manner.

At that point Moxxie had nearly melted into his chair out of sheer embarrassment. “I-I appreciate the offer ms.Mayday, but I have to refuse. It wouldn’t be right to take advantage of you like that.”

“So why then? Why go through all this trouble for someone you barely even know?”

“Well for starters: you’re a succubi which means you’re probably from the Lust or Pride Ring, there aren’t a lot of demons like you around here, and let’s just say that the imps of the Wrath Ring aren’t exactly the most hospitable types to those they consider outsiders; so if I just left you there, something bad was bound to happen. But more than that, when I saw you curled up in that dirty alleway, sobbing your eyes out, reminded me of something I went through myself. Back then I had nobody to help me through it and I had to suffer in solitary. I wasn’t about to let someone else go through the same sh*t I did…” Moxxie stated, fingers tightening around his silverware. “What I’m trying to say is, you looked like you needed someone to talk with a shoulder to cry on and I was happy to be that someone.”

Verosika was rendered momentarily speechless. Out of all the possible reasons he could have had for lending a hand when she was at her lowest, doing it out of the sheer goodness of his heart was nowhere near the top of the list. Most demons wouldn’t be even half as kind as the one sitting before her, in fact most would have probably tried to make things even worse.

“Well yes, but I’m not like most demons.” Said Moxxie, snapping the succubus out of her thoughts.

Verosika blinked. “Did I say that last part out loud?”

“Yes you did.”

“Crap. That’s embarrassing.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Moxxie replied. “Just finish your pancakes so we can start heading down to the railway station and get you on the next train to the Lust Ring.”

Right, f*ck, she had to get home and deal with the fallout of breaking up with her most recent flame. Hopefully Blitzo hadn’t used her spare house key to do something stupid out of revenge, like pissing in her bed or smashing her vinyl collection.

The thought of that made her start eating even faster.


After finishing breakfast, Verosika hopped in Moxxie’s shower to wash the smell of last night’s regrets off her body and freshen up for the day. For an imp, Moxxie sure had a lot of skin and hair care products in his bathroom of unusually high quality, but seeing as Moxxie was more than willing to share them with her, she wasn’t going to complain about it.

Once the succubus had gotten back to her usual gorgeous self, both her and Moxxie made their way down to wrath central station. The rain had died down in the middle of the night and left behind a beautiful sunny morning, one that provided an odd peace not often found in Hell.

They shared a bit of small talk on the way over, nothing of particular note brought up during the conversation. Although Moxxie did reveal that he was a big fan of opera and classical music, not exactly the pop singer’s cup of tea but she was never one to sh*t on someone’s musical tastes. (Well except for that hair metal crap Blitzo always blasted at three in the morning, but that was different). Regardless, the walk seemed to breeze right on by and they arrived at the train station before she even knew it.

“There, a one way ticket on the next train to the Lust Ring.” Said Moxxie, handing Verosika the ticket.

“Thanks again for spotting me on the ticket Moxxie, I don’t know how the hell I could have gotten back home otherwise.” Said Verosika.

Moxxie just smiled up at her as they walked to the platform. “Don’t mention it, I was just happy to help out a demon a little down on her luck.”

“Still, it feels kinda sh*tty that I can’t do anything to pay you back for all of this. You really saved my ass.”

“Again, it’s really no trouble at all Ms.Mayday.” Moxxie replied as they approached the train. “Anyways, it looks like we have to part ways here. It was nice to meet you!”

Right as Verosika was about to step onto the locomotive and head back to familiar surroundings, a rather devious idea popped into her head that was more than befitting of her succubus nature.

“Hang on, I think I know how I can express my…gratitude.” Verosika said in a rather seductive tone.

“Ma’am you don’t need to-“

The imp failed to get out as much as another syllable before Verosika kneeled down to his level and planted a kiss right onto his lips, massaging his lips with her own and pulling away moments later with a smirk dancing across her face.

“See ya round Moxxie.” Verosika teased, brushing her tail under his chin as she hopped onto her train; leaving Moxxie standing there, completely and utterly stunned while the train pulled away.

Once the imp finally managed to shake off the shock of the sudden display of affection, he put his fingers to his lips in disbelief and noted the faint taste of strawberries and whipped cream upon them.

“W-what…what just happened?” Moxxie stuttered out.

Meanwhile, aboard the train, Verosika was smiling like the cat that ate the canary. It might have been a bit cruel to tease Moxxie like that but she couldn’t help it! The surprised look on his face when she kissed him was priceless, not to mention really cute.

‘Come to think of it, he didn’t look half bad for an imp. Maybe I should give him a call some…wait.’

Verosika’s train of thought came to a screeching halt when she suddenly realized that she had massively f*cked up.

“I never got his f*cking phone number! Satan f*cking damn it!” The succubus screamed in frustration before calming down. “Oh whatever, it’s not a huge loss. Sure he was one of the nicest guys you ever met but it’s not like he’s your soulmate or anything, I’ll probably never see him again anyways.”

What Verosika did not know at the time was that both of her assumptions were completely wrong. The rising star would be seeing Moxxie again very soon, under oddly convenient circ*mstances; which in turn would give way to a blossoming romance that would change her entire life for the better.

The thespian and the pop star - Chapter 1 - an_undead_gamer_45 (2)

The thespian and the pop star - Chapter 1 - an_undead_gamer_45 (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.